Atish Dipankar Dhyan Kendra
Our Story
Atish Dipankar Dhyan Kendra functions as a centre for meditation practice, and the study of Buddhist psychology and philosophy.
It began as an informal group in Kolkata in mid-2019, with a few people gathering once a month to learn about Buddhism and meditate. When the country went into lockdown during the pandemic, the group started meeting online. Several others joined, and the online study and meditation sessions became more frequent and regular.
Noticing a growing interest in meditation among many and the meaningful changes that the participants were experiencing from applying the instructions in their day-to-day life, Atish Dipankar Dhyan Kendra was registered as a trust in July 2022 to make the teachings more accessible and widely available.
The centre now holds regular study and meditation programmes, with an emphasis on their application in contemporary times.
The Dhyan Kendra derives its inspiration from the teachings of the illustrious Bengali pundit Atish Dipankar, who restored Buddhism in Tibet in the 11th century; Je Tsongkhapa (1357 – 1419), the great Tibetan lama who gave extensive commentary to Atish’s works; and contemporary masters in Je Tsongkhapa’s tradition — Venerable Trijang Dorjechang (1901-1981) and Venerable Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche (1931-2022).
Atish Dipankar Dhyan Kendra is an independent public charitable trust registered in India; it is not affiliated with any institution, religious or political organisation.
Who Was Atish Dipankar
Atish Dipankar (982 – 1054) was a Bengali Buddhist monk, scholar and teacher. He had a distinguished stint at Nalanda and Vikramshila universities in India, and travelled extensively, both for studying and to teach.
One of Atish’s well-known and arduous journeys was to Suvarnadipa (present-day Indonesia) which he undertook to study under the famous Buddhist master Dharmakirti, known as Serlingpa to Tibetans.
Atish was an eminent Vajrayana practitioner and scholar. He spent the last decade of his life in Tibet, which had a profound and far-reaching impact on the revival of Buddhism in Tibet. His teachings inspired the formation of the Kadam school of Buddhism.
Atish’s seminal works include Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, Mind Training, and authoritative commentaries to Madhyamaka. A thousand years later, lineages of his teachings are still extant in different schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Atish died at Nyethang Monastery in Tibet, where his last remains were enshrined.
‘Dedicate your virtues throughout the day and the night, and always watch your mind.’
— ‘Advice from Atish Dipankar’s Heart’, from The Meditation Handbook by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
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Past Events
Retreat on Concentration
A group of practitioners from Atish Dipankar Dhyan Kendra…
Retreat at Segyu Monastery, Kathmandu
A group of practitioners from Atish…
Visit to Vajrayogini temple, Pharping
Our weeklong retreat at Segyu Gaden…