
Our Programmes

Please check the Upcoming Events calendar for the schedule

The Dhyan Kendra offers four programmes, and for quick results one should join all four, not right from the very beginning but when one is ready.

Meditation practice is the most important part of the Dhyan Kendra’s programmes – it’s where the proverbial rubber meets the road!

Through sheer hard work on the cushion and the study of philosophy, we learn to meditate efficiently by overcoming barriers such as laziness, sleepiness, external noise, distractions, difficulty in concentrating, or difficulty in meditating for a certain period.

The centre regularly offers commentary on meditation methods – both contemplation practice and concentration practice – and how to deepen our mindfulness, mental alertness and concentration.

There will be ups and downs in meditation practice; every day will not be the same. But we must get to a point where we meditate daily without fail. This is an important milestone to achieve.

We encourage all members and participants to reach out if they are not able to do so. We are here to help you set up and maintain a regular meditation practice. Talking to the teacher, friends and experienced practitioners in the group will also help you strengthen your practice.

Those who want to study with personal commitments are welcome. This means deeper and more vigorous reading of a text, referencing other texts relevant to the section being studied (we help identify additional study material), maintaining a regular meditation practice, keeping the five precepts, and being able to go on four retreats a year. We have members who study with commitments as well as those who continue at a pace that suits them.

All the Dhyan Kendra’s programmes are held in hybrid mode. Time permitting, you can join online from anywhere in the world.

Drop-in Meditation

Meditating together is very important. The Dhyan Kendra offers Drop-in Guided Meditation sessions held in online / hybrid (in-person and online) mode once a week. The aim is to help you build a regular meditation practice of your own and sustain it in the long run.
Once every fortnight, there is a Q&A at the end of the Drop-in Meditation session where participants can ask questions and clear their doubts on relevant topics.

Anyone can join the Drop-in Meditation sessions. If you are interested, please connect with us.

Study Programme

Reading and listening to the teaching is essential in understanding concepts and ideas to contemplate and meditate on. The Study Programme serves this purpose by providing a strong foundation for one’s meditation practice. A range of Buddhist psychology and philosophy texts are studied with commentary by the teacher. There is a certain order in the selection of texts.

The sessions are held in hybrid mode. Each session has two parts – teaching and commentary on a text, followed by a presentation and discussion.

Following the traditional method, the teacher, who has received the transmission of a text from his/her teachers and has personal experience from his/her practice, reads a text and provides essential commentary on its meaning. This is followed by Q&A.

The Study Programme requires members to engage in in-depth reading and exploration of Buddhist texts and commentaries. The presentation-discussion segment helps members delve further into a topic and connect with it. Group discussions help in clarifying doubts, correcting misconceptions and strengthening one’s understanding of the topic.

Meditation Retreat

The Dhyan Kendra organises retreats a few times every year. They may stretch from a couple of days to 10 days, and are held on-site and in hybrid mode. Some retreats are open to all, while some others may only be for Study Programme members.

Retreats are essential in deepening our personal experience of meditation. Retreats help us overcome our laziness of attachment, and improve concentration and motivation. When we go on a meditation retreat, our practice intensifies and we are able to gain realisations / insights not otherwise possible in daily life.

Puja & Prayer

The Dhyan Kendra regularly organises group pujas and prayers. These are held both online and in our meditation hall in Salt Lake, Kolkata. The chanted prayers help us free our mind of distractions and feel inspired by receiving blessings. It is an important part of a successful meditation practice.

Pujas and prayers are offered for free, and all are welcome.

You Can Help Us

Atish Dipankar Dhyan Kendra is a public charitable trust. Your donation will help us in running our study and meditation programmes, developing course material, organising meditation retreats, maintaining the meditation centre, translating Buddhist texts and supporting practitioners on this path.

Past Events


  • It’s my long-term interest in Buddhist philosophy that brought me to this group and it’s been a life-changing experience. My systematic engagement in the contemplation and meditation sessions, along with the retreats, has changed my outlook on life, transforming me from a staunch atheist to a person invested in spiritual progress. It has also redefined the meaning of the work I do.

    Paramita Banerjee

    Social Development Professional

  • Atish Dipankar Dhyan Kendra’s study programme opened doors to authentic teachings on Buddhist psychology for me. Not only is it intellectually stimulating, the practice of mindfulness and meditation, which forms an integral part of this engagement, helps me evolve as a person too. I am truly grateful for this space.

    Saoni Banerjee

    Psychologist & Art Therapist
