Do I have to be a Buddhist to attend the programmes of Atish Dipankar Dhyan Kendra?
No. Most participants and members don’t identify as Buddhists, but we have an interest in the Buddha’s methods and advice. Our focus is on meditation as it is very important in this day and age. And anyone can learn meditation and experience the results.
Are there fees involved?
The Drop-in Meditation is free of charge.

The Dhyan Kendra is a non-profit trust and depends on membership fees and donations to function. Those who attend the Study and Retreat programmes are invited to be members of the Dhyan Kendra for a membership fee. The membership fee covers all programmes offered by the centre.

We will never turn away anyone for lack of means. If you have financial difficulties, please discuss it with our Coordinator and we will find a way.

Do I need to have experience in meditation in order to join? What if I have experience in a certain school or method of meditation?
The Dhyan Kendra’s programmes cater to all –beginners as well as experienced practitioners. If you already have a meditation practice, you can independently, without mixing, try the methods practiced here. Nevertheless, we would advise you to discuss it with our Coordinator before signing up.
Is there a waitlist to join any of the programmes?
You can join the Drop-in Meditation anytime. For the Study programme, you may have to wait for the right time, as joining in the middle of a chapter or a text might not be helpful.
If I want to attend any of the programmes, do I need to inform in advance?

Yes. Please connect with us or leave your contact details for us to reach you.

Who is in charge in these programmes?
For the Study programme, the transmission of the text and commentary is done by the teacher. The participating members hold the presentation and discussion segment.

For Drop-in Meditation and Retreats, there will be some instruction or guidance but you are in charge of your cushion time.

How long shall I meditate?
In the beginning, 30 minutes twice a day is the target. When it is not possible to increase the duration, increasing the frequency is a good idea. Try for shorter and more frequent sessions.
I feel sleepy whenever I sit to meditate. What do I do?
Sleepiness could be due to physiological reasons and mental sinking. Quite often, our mind resists. We should sleep enough, rest enough and meditate at an appropriate time (not after a heavy meal, for example).

Make sure the room you are meditating in is well-lit and not a dark place. Sit on a chair or a cushion on the floor, not on the bed or sofa. You can recite prayers, such as the Refuge prayer. This will help counter sleepiness. Meditating in a group, in front of the teacher, may also help.

If I have questions, who will answer them?
Questions are always welcome and the teacher responds to them. Most questions are addressed right away.

However, understanding answers to certain questions may need more exploration and engagement with the concepts on the part of the questioner. For such questions, it is wiser to wait till the time a certain text is taught. You may have to study and understand other concepts, or the relationship between different concepts, for a better hold over the subject matter. Only then will the answer be meaningful and helpful to you.

Meanwhile, you can contemplate.

You Can Help Us

Atish Dipankar Dhyan Kendra is a public charitable trust. Your donation will help us in running our study and meditation programmes, developing course material, organising meditation retreats, maintaining the meditation centre, translating Buddhist texts and supporting practitioners on this path.

Past Events


  • It’s my long-term interest in Buddhist philosophy that brought me to this group and it’s been a life-changing experience. My systematic engagement in the contemplation and meditation sessions, along with the retreats, has changed my outlook on life, transforming me from a staunch atheist to a person invested in spiritual progress. It has also redefined the meaning of the work I do.

    Paramita Banerjee

    Social Development Professional

  • Atish Dipankar Dhyan Kendra’s study programme opened doors to authentic teachings on Buddhist psychology for me. Not only is it intellectually stimulating, the practice of mindfulness and meditation, which forms an integral part of this engagement, helps me evolve as a person too. I am truly grateful for this space.

    Saoni Banerjee

    Psychologist & Art Therapist
